Project “IT Cluster embassies, academy, platforms”
Project “IT [KVAP] — Information technology cluster embassies, academy, platforms”
As a partner of the Latvian IT Cluster, Meditec Ltd is carrying out the project “IT KVAP — Information technology cluster embassies, academy, platforms” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, with a goal to raise the competitiveness of IT companies and industry and increase the extent of export, while establishing cooperation between IT companies and research and education institutions, in order to eliminate the gap between supply and demand in IT competences, create IT Cluster embassies/agents net in foreign countries as well as further the optimization of the industry’s specific technological platforms.
In order to achieve medium term goals, activities in the main directions will be:
1. Competence raising and capacity strengthening of cluster specialists;
2. Education — preparing competent specialists;
3. Export — establishing a net of export agents;
4. Optimizing the technological platforms and standards;
5. Establishing the IT Demo Centre of Riga — a marketing tool of the Latvian IT brand;
6. Development of new technological niche globally.
Duration of the project: 01.07.2012-31.12.2014
Total budget: 369 222.22LVL
ERDF funding: 300 000.00LVL
The project is realized within the activity “Cluster program” of the 2. program “Business and innovation”. Project identification number KAP/, association “Latvian IT Cluster” and “Investment and Development Agency of Latvia” contract number: L-KAP-12-0008.